Epoxy resin Resinpal 2416 is a high quality and crystal clear coating and laminating resin that can be used excellently for the creation of crystal clear laminates. The UV-resistant all-rounder is also very suitable for embedding objects up to 5 mm, for the production of complex molded parts, for surfboard construction and as a protective layer on laminates.
The almost odor-free epoxy resin hardens water-clear and is the ideal material for the production of coatings and embeddings up to a maximum layer thickness of 5 mm. The layers are thicker than with conventional paints and impress with their extremely high-quality appearance. So that the self-leveling and low-shrinkage epoxy resin Resinpal 2416 ventilates cleanly and hardens without sticking, you should only apply thin layers of up to about 5 mm per work step. The crack-insensitive laminating and coating resin offers very good water resistance after hardening and prevents the yellowing of embeddings.
Epoxy resin Resinpal 2416 from 1 kg + hardener to 50 kg + hardener in professional quality, is mixed in a resin-hardener ratio of 100: 50 according to weight. The ideal processing temperature is at least 18 ° C and the processing time approx. 35 minutes. The curing time is 24 hours.
If you have any questions about application or processing, please contact our qualified team of experts.
How much Resinpal 2416 can I pour in one application? The crystal-clear epoxy resin Resinpal 2416 was developed for coatings and can be cast up to a layer thickness of 0.5 cm.
What can I coat with Resinpal 2416? There are no limits to creativity here. For example, our customers coat table tops, pictures and medals with Resinpal 2416.
How strong is the odor of Resinpal 2416 during processing? The low-odour processing with epoxy resins is a great advantage over polyester resins.
Can I color Resinpal 2416 with acrylic colors? Since Resinpal 2416 is an epoxy resin, we only recommend adding epoxy colors and translucent colors.
The casting resin has turned white, tough or solid in the bottle. What can I do? Epoxy resins can crystallize above a certain temperature. This can happen if the product is stored too cold or during shipping. This process can be reversed by adding heat (approx. 50 °C), for example by placing the container (open the lid first) in a water bath or saucepan.