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Polyurethan Farbpaste zur Einfärbung von Polyurethanharz in Reinweiß (RAL 9010).
Release wax (liquid) is preferably used for smooth forms such as GRP forms. It is particularly suitable in combination with PVA release varnish.
Polyurethan Farbpaste zur Einfärbung von Polyurethanharz in Rapsgelb (RAL 1021).
PVA release agent (green) should be applied into the mold as the last release layer and can be used very well in combination with release wax (liquid) or the release paste.
Polyurethan Farbpaste zur Einfärbung von Polyuretharz in Neongelb-Leuchtgelb (RAL 1026).
Release spray is ideal for close-pored surfaces and silicone molds. Low odor and silicone-free.
Polyurethan Farbpaste zur Einfärbung von Polyurethanharz in Neonorange-Leuchtorange (RAL 2005).
Release paste can be used on both closed-pore and open-pore surfaces. It is ideally suited for use in wood, stone, plaster, GRP molds, etc.
Polyurethan Farbpaste zur Einfärbung von Polyurethanharz in Feuerrot (RAL 3000).
Polyurethan Farbpaste zur Einfärbung von Polyurethanharz in Nachtblau (RAL 5022).
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